Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Volunteer Shirt

Our volunteers for the Avia Vineman Ironman 70.3 Triathlon will stand out in their bright orange micro-fiber t's. There is nothing like riding along at 25 mph and wondering which way to turn as you approach an intersection. To keep it simple, just look for the person in the orange race shirt and pay attention to their directions. It is not a bad looking shirt either...if you have friends or family members who will be at the race and are interested in doing something besides sitting and waiting for you to finish, we'd love to put them to work! They'll get a complimentary volunteer shirt and an invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner which will be held on the Monday after the Full Vineman. To volunteer they can sign up through the Volunteer section of or by e-mailing our volunteer coordinator, Shelly Lydon

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