Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ahhh, the Majestic Russian River!

Race day for the 2011 Vineman Ironman 70.3 Triathlon is 116 days away (July 18th). Today is March 23rd and the Russian River currently looks significantly different than it will on race day. In this pic, which was taken at the 2010 event, the water depth under the first bridge was at the three foot mark; today because of the heavy rains we have been experiencing over the past few weeks the water level is just over 28 feet! Last week the water level was at 19 feet...so it can change drastically in a short time period. In the past five days we've had more than three inches of rain, with a couple more expected tonight and tomorrow. Currently the parking lot at Johnson's Beach is under water (and about 3 feet deep). It is a good thing that our race isn't this weekend! Don't worry, this is completely normal for this time of year...in fact it is good. Lots of water now means that the upstream reserviors will be full this summer and that there will be generous releases from the reservoirs all summer long. This means that the river will be clean and comfortable (probably 70 degrees rather than 78 degrees) when race time rolls around. This morning the flow of the river was measured at 36,420 cubic feet per second. In July the flow will be down to around 200 cubic feet per second. In mid June the summer dam will be installed at Johnson's Beach and Clare (the 90 year old owner of Johnson's Beach) will be playing his Frank Sinatra music while he rents kayaks and sells "the best hamburgers on the river." In the mean time, you'd better get in the pool and train, 'cause it is gon'na to be a great swim at the Vineman this summer!